Having unrealistic expectation of people sets us up to be disappointed. Am I saying that we should not be expectant? Of course not! we should expect the best out of people, but at the same time we must remember they are human being with imperfections.

When Jesus’ disciples disappointed Him, He was not devastated because He already knew and fully understood human nature, as we learn in John 2:25. Jesus expected His disciples to do their best, but He knew that even their best would still be imperfect.

I have come to realize that we tend to look for the perfect spouse, prefect friend, prefect job, perfect neighborhood, perfect church, and the truth is, it does not exist! As long as we are in earthly bodies we will manifest imperfection. God must have known that to be true. because He gave us instructions in His Word on how to handle people who irritate us or disappoint.

People are not perfect, and to expect them to be flawless is frustrating for everyone involved. We must learn to be generous with mercy and to sow seeds of mercy so we can reap mercy when when we need it.

We all like to plan ahead for our lives and have people cooperate with us. we want situation to go exactly the way we plan, but that rarely happens. This isn’t negative; it is truth. As believers, we have the power of the Holy Spirit to help us do difficult things and deal with human imperfections— not to make our lives so easy that we never need to use faith.

I urge you to expect good things to happen in your life. I also urge you to be realistic and realize that we all have to deal with things that are unpleasant and people who are disagreeable. Your attitude in these trying situations greatly affects your enjoyment of life. You can be realistic, walk in truth and still have a positive attitude as you deal with your own imperfections and those of people around you.

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